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Long jump fitness advice
To compete in the long jump you'll need to train up in a variety of techniques, including jumping, over-distance running, weight training, plyometrics, bounding and flexibility.
Jumping Ideally you should practice the long jump 2-3 times per week, repeating approaches 6-8 times per session.
Over-distance running Practicing running longer distances than the long jump itself requires will help you build endurance. Early in your training season you'll be doing an over-distance workout once or twice a week, to help develop your sprinting skills for the run up to the long jump.
Weight training As pre-season and early season training, working with weights using quick movements and low repetition helps increase strength, and typically a jumper will train with weights up to 4 times a week, focusing on their legs and trunk.
Plyometrics Plyometrics enable an athlete to work on agility and explosiveness, and twice weekly plyometric workouts include running up and down stairs and hurdle bounding.
Bounding Bounding is continuous and repetitive jumping or leaping, and a bounding drill usually includes single leg bounding, double leg bounding, box drills or depth jumps. The goal is to spend as little time on the ground as possible while developing strength, endurance, fluidity and accuracy.
Flexibility Developing flexibility is key to prevent injury in this high impact sport.
Training regimes will vary according to athlete's level of skill and experience, but always combines speed, strength and co-ordination training.