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Discus training information & advice
Throwing the discus is a traditional athletic event dating back to the time of the ancient Greeks. In the 5th century BC sculptor Myron made a famous statue of a discus thrower, although his technique would not win him any prizes in the modern day discus event.
The modern thrower stands with his back to the target and spins the discuss with a sidearm movement. Throwing into a headwind can help achieve distance, and faster spin also provides more stability in the air. The technique for this field event is hard to master, and requires many years of training and experience, so most champion throwers are over thirty years old. A beginners' technique is not to use spin at all, but to jump forward a step to provide momentum. Although easier, this technique doesn't provide as much power.
Training for this event, as with other track and field events, consists of weight training to increase overall strength and stamina, specific event-related practice to develop skills and technique, as well as exercising the specific joints and muscle groups required for the event, and plyometric training to develop the explosive power required for the throw. It's also vital not to neglect the regenerative side of training, such as flexibility work, to help prevent injury.