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After indulging over the holidays many are concerned about toning their bodies in time for the summer months. If this is one of your goals, you are already part way there to achieving it. Not only have you defined what it is you are setting out to do, but you have also set a deadline to achieve your results. The next steps are narrow your focus, and to ensure that your goal is realistic.

More on toning...

Specify exactly which area of your body you intend on toning into shape. Women should take into consideration that the stomach area is a tricky one, particularly after pregnancy, and will certainly not yield instant dramatic results. Whilst you may have identified which area you wish to address, it is important to realise that the success of spot toning is a myth.

Positive results in toning will only be achieved by raising your metabolism through a combination of endurance building and weight lifting exercises, as well as lowering your fat consumption. Keeping a daily log of your routine and food intake will motivate you by providing an invaluable record of your accomplishments. You might be inclined to consistently get out the tape measure, but as results take place over a period of time this method of measuring success can be discouraging. Reserve the tape measure as a means of determining long term success, by only taking before and after measurements. Instead, find alternate means of gauging your progress such as: improved performance of exercises, increased energy levels and a greater sense of overall well-being.

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