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If you're after a great beginning to a bright fitness future then a Pilates class is an ideal way to commence. This beginner class is geared towards those looking to start slowly and gently with regards to exercising.

Basic Pilates classes are performed either on a mat or the floor, concentrating on the spine and focussing on the aspects of deep breathing and stretching exercises. The aim is to achieve balance between a strong, toned and flexible body.

The Pilates sessions can be both gentle or slightly more vigorous, depending on your level of fitness and requirements. Working all the major muscle groups through a varied workout ensures you'll get the benefits of an excellent workout as well as the health promoting aspects and strong, toned and well defined muscles.

Available for absolutely everyone, regardless of fitness levels or location, the chance for you to get a low intensity workout has never been more simple or straightforward.

For higher intensity workouts, faster paced sessions with much more attention put onto strengthening muscles and breathing techniques as well as stretching and flexibility, this form of exercise is ideal for those looking for a range of intensities.

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