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PruHealth insurance company
Looking for health insurance? PruHealth may have what you're after. They have a philosophy that if you lead a healthy life and take good care of yourself, you should be rewarded for your healthy lifestyle.
PruHealth are the only UK health insurance provider who does this, through their Vitality programme. The PruHealth Vitality programme offers lower premiums for leading a healthy life, or for making positive lifestyle changes.
They also offer discounts on a variety of services including partner health clubs, health screens, Fitbug (pedometers), Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking courses and more.
All of this is in addition to high levels of cover and benefits, including access to the best hospitals, the CallADoctor service, and the handling of all claims by qualified nurses.
This is an innovative and expanding business, which since its launch in 2004 has seen rapid growth.
So if you look after yourself, eat right, and take regular exercise, this may be the health insurance company for you - after all, if you look after yourself, why should you pay higher premiums to subsidize those who don't?